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Special Education Experts on

Special Education Topics for

Special Education Parents

Sep 16, 2020

"Back to school" elicits images in my head of long lines in stationery stores, exorbitant shipping fees for backpacks I forgot to order, and the promise of a great new school year.  None of that, however, was part of back to school 2020, at least not for us.

As we have learned, nothing is written in stone with COVID-19. Here in CT, we heard schools had to open at full capacity. Then they were allowed to consider a hybrid plan.  Now some are only offering virtual options and some withholding services from those taking the digital offerings. Special education is changing rapidly and we are adapting accordingly.   

Today I am going to talk to you about important information you need to help you preserve your child’s rights and hold your school accountable during these unusual times. 

The one thing that has not changed is the IDEA and your school district’s requirement to provide your child with a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Despite changing information and ambiguous guidance, the IDEA and all its protections for students with disabilities remains intact. This, however, does not mean your child will receive the exact same services in the exact same way as pre-COVID.  Everything has changed and so should your child’s IEP  

This episode is not meant as legal advice specific to your child but rather general information that can help you in your journey.  Some of the links I discuss:

Need to Know Episode Can You Comp My Ed?
Need to Know Episode LRE: What Now?
Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates